73 Simple and Fun Activities For A 4 Month-Old 

Are you on the lookout for activities tailored for your 4-month-old? Whether you’re a parent, caregiver, grandparent, or teacher nurturing a growing baby, I’ve got you covered with a bunch of activities and helpful tips to support your journey.

Even though my little ones have now reached 18 months and 3 years, I vividly recall the 4-month stage. It’s when babies become more awake, alert, and curious about their world. That cozy newborn, content to snuggle and observe, is now seeking more engagement and your attention.

I know, it might feel a bit overwhelming initially—how do you fill the day with a 4-month-old? That’s where I come in, sharing all my insights and guidance to nurture your child’s development, instill crucial skills, and hit those exciting milestones. And guess what? It’s all about having a blast and forging precious memories.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the fantastic activities for your four-month-old bundle of joy!

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Developmental Milestones For 4-Month-Olds

4 Month Old Developmental Milestones infographic. Social and emotional development. Verbal development. Brain development. Physical Development.
4 Month Old Developmental Milestones Infographic

All of the activities that I list below are developmental activities that are going to help your baby grow socially, emotionally, verbally, cognitively, or physically. So let’s look at some of the things your baby should be doing around the 4-month-old stage. 

Typical Milestones for 4 Month Olds

Remember that all babies are different and will reach milestones at different times. Your baby might have conquered most of this list weeks ago (like my first), or they might be a little sleepier and slower to show off their skills (like my second!).

Either way, you want to make sure that you’re following your pediatrician’s schedule for well-visits and discussing your baby’s development and any concerns your might have. 

Skills to Develop

These activities for a 4-month-old will help your baby learn or practice some of these important skills listed by the CDC

Social and Emotional (Social Development): 

  • Smiles for attention 
  • Giggles or laughs 
  • Makes sounds, movements, or looks at you to get your attention 

Language and Communication (Verbal Development) :

  • Cooing sounds 
  • Makes sounds when you talk to them 
  • Turns or looks at the sound of your voice 

Cognitive Skills (Brain Development: Learning, Thinking, and Problem-Solving):

  • Opens mouth for breast or bottle when hungry 
  • Curious about their hands 

Fine and gross motor skills (Movement and Physical Development):

  • Holds head steady without support when held 
  • Holds a toy in their hands 
  • Uses arms to swing at toys 
  • Brings hands to mouth 
  • Pushes onto forearms or elbows during tummy time 

I’ll divide my activities into 4 sections: social and emotional, language and communication, cognitive skills, and fine and gross motor skills so you can easily find activities that will help your baby grow in all developmental areas. 

Social and Emotional Development

At 4 months, keep an eye out for these social and emotional milestones: smiling at familiar faces, laughing or giggling, and using sounds or movements to get your attention. Here are some toys and activities to help your baby practice these skills.

1. Peek-A-Boo

Play the classic game to help your child recognize, practice, and mirror facial expressions.

2. Talking 

Engage your baby by talking throughout the day. Share what you’re doing, your past activities, and your future plans. Share hopes, dreams, and stories about your childhood or your siblings.

3. Quiet Time 

Teach your baby that playtime doesn’t always mean a performance. Spend calm moments together while they explore toys or their surroundings.

Pro Tip: Begin with short periods, like 1 or 2 minutes, and gradually extend to 5 or 10 minutes. Incorporate this into your morning routine for a quick coffee break ☕.

4. Show Pictures 

Your baby will start recognizing familiar caregivers. Introduce them using pictures. Start with 2 or 3 pictures and gradually add more. Describe each person, like “This is your nana, Louise. She loves baking cookies and singing songs.”

5. Raspberries 

Engage your baby with playful games that lead to laughter and giggles.

Pro Tip: While baby laughter is delightful, remember it can strain their tummies. Allow breaks, especially if your baby has reflux, to avoid unexpected messes.


Introducing your baby to new friends and environments is key to a well-adjusted infant and toddler. I’ve grouped together a few ideas for outings for 4-month-olds to practice their social skills. 

6. Children’s Museums, Science Centers, Amusement Parks, and Zoos 

Mom and 4 month old baby at the zoo baby wearing
Baby Wearing at the Zoo!

These places offer programs tailored to babies under 6 months. Check for Mommy-and-Me programs. Even without specific programs, these places have exhibits and activities suitable for young babies, including soft spaces, carousels, and more. Babies can observe and absorb the surroundings.

Parent-to-parent: When visiting stimulating places, plan for short trips with breaks for naps, feeding, etc. Many children’s museums have nursery areas for feeding and changing.

7. Baby Wearing 

mom baby wearing 4 month old baby in moby wrap
Baby Wearing on a Walk

Baby-wearing is a fantastic way to emotionally connect while going about your day. It’s soothing for your child and allows you to bond. You can wear your baby while doing daily tasks or during outings.

As someone who has tried–what feels like–a million carriers, I wrote a detailed post that you should check out on my favorite baby carriers as well as carriers that will grow until your baby is a toddler. Deciding between a baby wrap versus a traditional carrier? Look at the differences and pros and cons of each here.

8. Playdates 

Organize a playdate for your little buddy. Bonus points if you enjoy spending time with their caregiver as well. Let your baby interact with children similar in age, and fawn over how cute they look doing it while you sip on your iced tea (or glass of wine ?).  

Pro Tip: Find mom groups on Facebook or apps like Peanut to connect with other moms for activities.

9. Library and Story Time 

Local libraries offer toys, books, and programs for children. Attend story time sessions to introduce your baby to new environments and faces.

10. Mommy-and-Me & Lap Time 

mommy and me yoga class for 4 month old baby
Mommy-and-Me Yoga Class for Babies

Search for affordable baby lap time activities in your area. These sessions often include arts, songs, stories, and movement. Simply place your baby on your lap for these engaging activities.

Language and Communication Development 

The language development skills that you’re looking for in the fourth month are: making cooing sounds, making sounds to respond when you talk, and turning or looking at the sound of your voice. 

Here are some activities to enhance language skills and encourage communication.  


Dad reading board book to 4 month old baby
Reading Board Books to Baby

Open the world of words and rhymes with books. This helps them develop speech and grasp language as they grow. There’s a variety of books suited for your baby, like soft books, board books, musical books, and interactive ones. Here are some favorites from my kids:

11. Board Books 

My kids loved lift-a-flap board books from Cottage Door Press. They’re sturdy, short, and feature interactive “flaps” babies can engage with.

12. Touch and Feel Books

DK Touch and Feel books combine simple vocabulary with real-life pictures and various textures for little fingers to explore.

13. Sound Books 

Some sound books are going to be too stimulating for a 4-month-old. Aim for books with 1-5 buttons!

14. Interactive Books 

The VTech Musical Rhymes Book has interactive components on each page, easy-to-turn plastic pages, sounds, lights, and more. You can read to your baby, or they can explore on their own.

15. Singing 

Singing your favorite tunes in the car, sweet lullabies (click here for my favorite lullabies post), or classic kid’s songs is a great way to teach your baby words. I might be the worst singer in my house, but that doesn’t stop me from singing one-on-one to my little ones! 


Tonie music box with Cookie Monster Character
Tonie Music Box

Listening to music is great for development!

My inlaws bought a Tonie music box for my son when he was one year old, but I know we would have gotten used from the get-go.

Simply buy characters with your favorite songs and stories, place them on the music box, and let your child immerse themselves in new sounds. As they get older, music boxes become more interactive for your toddler.

16. Tonie Music Box

There are dozens of music players for babies of all ages, so if you’re interested in introducing your child to music, read about all of the music player options here

17. Baby Einstein Musical Toy

Both of my kids were fascinated with this toy (well beyond the 4-month mark).


A crib mobile is a great way to stimulate your baby and keep them entertained while you get ready for the day or grab a quick cup of coffee.

Pro Tip: If the mobile is too distracting in the crib and causing sleep disruptions, try attaching it to your Pack n’ Play or to a playpen in your living space.

18. Fisher-Price Precious Planet 2-in-1 Projection Mobile

This. mobile. is. awesome.

My 4-year-old still uses it because it converts to a ceiling projector. It also has a remote for parents, so you can control it without having to disturb your baby.

Parent-to-Parent: This particular mobile also scored my husband and me several Saturday morning “sleep-ins” (ok maybe just an extra 30 minutes), but I would pay ten times the price for that precious extra sleep!

19. Fisher Price Calming Clouds Mobile and Soother

If you’re looking for a more traditional mobile, this is it! It dangles and spins, but also has the added feature of soothing sounds and music.

What’s more, this Fisher-Price mobile converts to a tabletop sound machine and night light when your little one gets older.

20. Saying Their Name 

Babies love to hear their names, and they might even start to recognize them in the next few months. Help them learn their name by using it in games, play, and everyday interactions. Say “Where is Cora?!” “Do you want a bottle, Marco?!”  

21. Copying Sounds and Movements 

Imitate your baby’s sounds and actions—it’s a riot! This builds their communication skills and boosts their confidence in interacting with you.

Mirror Play 

4 month old baby on tummy playing in the mirror
Mirror Tummy Time

Mirror play, also known as mirror self-recognition or mirror-gazing, involves allowing babies to look at themselves in a mirror. This simple activity is a fun way to work on your baby’s visual senses and head control all at the same time.  

Mirror play can help with:

  • Visual stimulation– They engage with their shiny reflection. 
  • Sensory exploration– They might touch their own face or their reflection. 
  • Cognitive development– Making connections between their actions and the movement they see. 
  • Social interaction– they might talk or babble to the baby in the mirror. 

Almost all babies love mirrors–that’s why you will see them incorporated into so many toys.

Here are a few mirrors and mirror toys that my kids have loved over the years: 

22. Baby Einstein Activity Mirror

23. B. Baby Roly-Poly Mirror

24. Nuby Mirror Teether Toy

25. Fisher Price Selfie Mirror and Rattle

Cognitive Skills Development 

When it comes to nurturing your baby’s brain at 4 months, they’re already on the path of learning, thinking, and solving small puzzles. Around this time, be on the lookout for these milestones: opening their mouths when they’re hungry for feeding and showing curiosity about their little hands.

A lot of cognitive development now centers around their hands and mouth. These are their tools for exploring their body and the world around them. During playtime, encourage them to touch and safely explore objects with their mouths. Remember to avoid anything hot, freezing, sharp, or small (anything that could fit through a toilet paper tube is a choking hazard).

It’s also important to limit screen time at this age. Video calling with friends and family can be beneficial, but screen time is not recommended for children younger than 2 years of age

26. Bright-Colored Toys 

Between 4 and 5 months, your child’s interest shifts to bright colors and patterns from the initial fascination with black and white images.

27. Bubbles 

Bubbles are loved by everyone, including babies. Grab a bubble maker and let your baby marvel as bubbles dance through the air, maybe even trying to reach out and pop one.

28. Bright Stars Oball

This ball works its magic on all babies. I had to carefully detach my son’s fingers from it at daycare and finally caved in to get one for home.

29. Play Tissue Box

Baby pulling tissues out of kleenex box
My Son Pulling Actual Tissues Out Of A Box ?

If your baby hasn’t discovered the tissue box or package of wipes yet, consider yourself lucky! Babies LOVE tissue boxes, and this set also has fun crinkle paper for younger babies to enjoy.

30. Baby Einstein Soft Blocks

4 month old baby sitting propped up on boppy pillow playing with baby einstein soft blocks
Sitting On His Boppy Playing With Blocks

These blocks were always popular with my kids. They have all different kinds of sensory materials (mirrors, crinkles, rattles, etc.) to keep even the youngest baby entertained.

Play Mats 

A playmat or play gym offers a blend of skills all in one spot. I owned two for my kids. These mats feature a base, hanging vibrant toys, detachable attachments, mirrors, lights, and sounds!

It’s important to note that for a 4-month-old, having all these features at once can be overwhelming. Begin with just the mat and gradually introduce more components as they grow.

31. Fisher Price Baby Playmat

4 month old baby on fisher price play mat activity gym
Rolling and Reaching on Fisher Price Activity Gym

32. Bright Starts 5-in-1 Play Mat and Ball Pit

4 month old baby playing on bright starts 5 in 1 activity gym
Looking And Reaching On The Bright Starts Activity Gym

Parent-to-Parent: To this day, my 18-month-old and 3-year-old still argue over who gets to play with the elephant from the Bright Starts play gym! It has light-up ears that move with the music or soothing jungle sounds. This fascinated my newborn and remains a crowd-pleaser. Bonus: both mats have mirror attachments!


Introduce your baby to the magic of music with a rattle. Watch them learn that shaking the toy produces delightful sounds.

33. Traditional Rattle 

We love these Fisher-Price rattles, but there are literally hundreds to choose from.

34. Wrist and Foot Rattles

Bath Time 

Hopefully, you’ve gotten into a good bathtime routine, and it is something you and your baby both enjoy! Trust me, I’ve been there with a baby who really didn’t like bath time for a while ?. 

Bath time in itself is a great activity to do with your little one. They can explore different feelings and sensations in the water. They can feel how their bodies move in the water. They can also experience splashing and play. 

In addition, you can get a few bath toys that even a four-month-old would enjoy. 

35. Munchkin Little Boat Set

36. Munchkin Float and Play Bubbles

37. Munchkin Safety Bath Ducky

Pro Tip: This safety ducky is more than just a classic rubber duck toy—it also doubles as a bath temperature indicator, displaying the word “hot” when water exceeds 104 degrees. It’s been a reliable ally in our house!

Sensory Toys 

Sensory toys are designed to stimulate various senses—seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and even tasting.

38. Sensory Bags and Baskets 

4 month old mom and baby playing in montessori sensory basket
Sensory Basket For 4 Month Olds

Let your infant explore colors, shapes, and household items through touch. Fill a fabric tote or woven basket with safe objects from around your home. A soft brush, clean sponge, spatula, empty plastic bottle, cloth piece, soft ball, and other everyday items can pique your baby’s curiosity more than traditional toys sometimes.

39. Sensory Bottles and Mats 

4 month old baby playing in high chair with glitter sensory mat
Glitter DIY Sensory Mat

You can create intriguing toys using a Ziploc bag, hair gel, and pom poms. Sensory bags and bottles are clear containers filled with things that might be too messy or small for your baby otherwise. Always supervise closely, as a burst bag could become a hazard.

You can make your own sensory bags and bottles (click the links for some DIY sensory bag ideas and DIY sensory bottle ideas), or you can buy them pre-made. 

40. Learning Resources Sensory Bottle Trio

41. Baby Einstein Water Sensory Mat

Go Out In Nature 

42. Take a Walk 

Whether you’re carrying, wearing, or strolling your baby, daily walks are a year-round essential in my household. Fresh air benefits both you and your baby. Infants are naturally curious about their surroundings, absorbing the sensations and scents around them. If your baby dozes off during walks, it’s not boredom—it’s the comfort of the womb reimagined ?. 

43. Bright Stars Stroller Activity Attachment

If your child gets fussy or bored on walks, consider a toy attachment that they can reach for and interact with.

44. Fisher-Price Sooth and Snuggle Otter

Similarly, if your little one gets overstimulated on walks and car trips, try this soothing otter toy. It mimics a breathing motion and has lights and white noise to lull your baby to sleep. We had a hedgehog version of this that was a lifesaver!

45. Play On a Blanket or In The Grass 

Mom and baby playing on blanket outside
Playing On The Blanket Outside

Switching tummy time from indoors to outdoors is a whole new sensory adventure for your baby. They’ll gaze at you, the sky, moving clouds, and feel the textures of grass and ground while taking in the scent of leaves.

Chewing Toys 

Finally, let’s talk about the messiest category: chewing toys. Remember, babies learn by using their mouths. Chewing and exploring textures help them make sense of the world.

46. Sophie the Giraffe

4 month old on tummy playing with Sophie the Giraffe
Sophie The Giraffe

A classic choice for a reason—babies adore holding and chewing on Sophie’s neck, ears, and legs.

47. Nuby Mitten Teether

Keep your baby’s teether within reach by strapping it to their hand.

48. Baby Banana Infant Toothbrush

Combining a toothbrush with a teether lets your baby explore new textures and get accustomed to the feeling of bristles on their gums. Trust me–this will make your life easier when it comes to brushing their teeth down the road!

Cause and Effect Toys

These toys respond to your baby’s actions, helping them learn that their actions lead to reactions.

49. VTech Activity Cube

50. Baby Einstein Glow and Discover

51. Melissa and Doug GO Tots Barnyard

Amid the sea of flashy plastic toys, this wooden barnyard offers hidden bells, sliding doors, and levers that engage your baby’s curiosity.

Fine and Gross Motor Skills Development 

Let’s talk about your baby’s physical growth. In month 4, those little arms and hands are going to be super busy. Here are some easy games and ideas to help with both their fine and gross motor skills—stuff like keeping their head steady when held, grasping toys, reaching or swinging at toys, putting hands in their mouth, and even propping up on elbows and forearms during tummy time.

Just a quick note, it’s good to limit the time your baby spends in seats or containers. When I say “containers,” I mean things like swings, strollers, car seats, bouncers, jumpers, high chairs, or anything designed to keep your baby in one place.

Of course, we all use these seats to keep our little ones safe and happy. But it’s a good idea to balance that with giving them lots of chances to move and explore freely.

52. Playing on a blanket with toys 

Spread out a comfy blanket and put some of the toys from this list around your baby. They might grab at the toys or even try to kick them. It’s all about getting those little muscles working.

53. Balloons 

baby playing with heilium balloons on hands and feet
Heilium Balloons on Hands and Feet!

Babies are fascinated by helium balloons. You can use mylar balloons since they’re less likely to pop. Loosely tie one to your baby’s wrists or ankles. Watch them kick and play as the balloon dances around.

Pro Tip: I tied the balloon to a hair tie and put the hair tie on my baby’s foot so I could use it over and over. 

Tummy Time

Babies either love it or don’t, in my experience. Regardless of how they feel about it, it’s important to give them tummy time every day. This helps with muscle strength and head control.

54. Tummy Time Mat 

If your baby seems bored with tummy time, a water mat is fantastic for grabbing their attention. You can also use the mat that comes with your play gym.

55. Tummy Time Tray of Water 

Put a mat or towel on the floor, and put a shallow tray of water on it (about a 1/4 inch deep). Let your baby splash their hands in the water. You can even add some kitchen utensils or their favorite bath toys.

56. Tummy Time Mirror 

This mirror can lie flat or stand up. It’s perfect for encouraging your baby to lift their head off the ground.

Baby Seats 

Let your baby explore their hands and the world around them from a new perspective. If they have good head control, try propping them up with a seat or even a Boppy Pillow (one of my postpartum must-haves). 

Again, you want to limit the time that they are in this seat, but assisted sitting is one step closer to independent sitting! 

57. Fisher-Price Portable Baby Chair

4 month old baby in fisher price portable chair
Portable Chair Outside

We LOVED this chair for both of our babies. As soon as your infant has head control, they will love to sit up and explore the world around them. This deluxe version comes with a detachable snack tray that is also great for playtime.

58. Bumbo Seat

Bumbo seats are so popular for a good reason! They are soft, supportive, and durable.

59. Infantino 3-in-1 Tummy Time, Gym, and Sit-Up Support

This all-in-one solution can be used for tummy time and later for sitting up.

Strengthening Physical Development 

Here are some daily exercises and activities you can do with your baby to get them moving and developing their tiny muscles. 

60. Baby pull-ups 

Doing baby pull ups strengthening exercise
Baby Pull Ups Exercise

Lay your baby down on a mat or soft surface. Hold their hands and gently lift them into a sitting position.

Pro Tip: Your baby might not be able to sit up fully yet. As you lift, wait for them to engage their neck muscles and hold their head up before you continue. This prevents their head from flopping back.

61. Fisher-Price Activity Center

4 month old baby in fisher price activity center
Fisher Price Activity Center

Jumper activity centers are a hit with our kids. Once your baby can hold their head up well, they’ll enjoy the sensation of standing and reaching for toys.

62. Skip Hop Convertible Activity Center

This activity center converts to a play table and chair when your baby gets older!

63. Fisher Price Stacking Toy

Work on their fine motor skills with this classic infant toy. At 4 months, they might not be stacking just yet, but they’ll love the colors, the rattle donut, and even chewing on the rings.

64. Assisted Standing 

4 month old assisted standing exercises
Assisted Standing Exercises

Once you’ve mastered baby pull-ups, give this a try. From a sitting position, hold your baby’s hands and gently lift them to a standing position.

Pro Tip: You can also hold your baby under their arms for a more supportive exercise as they develop their shoulder muscles. 

65. Reaching for Toys 

Encourage your baby to reach for toys. Whether that is reaching up for dangling toys, reaching to the sides when they are lying, or reaching out when they are sitting. Find toys they really want (this might not be a toy, and could be something eye-catching like a TV remote!). 

66. Rolling 

Help your baby learn to roll from back to front and front to back. Lay them on a mat or blanket and guide them by gently tucking their knees and shoulders.

Note: Once your baby starts rolling, it’s time to lower the crib mattress and stop swaddling.

67. Bicycle Legs 

Remember those bicycle leg movements from when your baby was a newborn? Well, they’re still great for mobility, hip flexibility, and easing tummy discomfort.

68. Playing Horsey 

Baby playing horsey on legs
Playing Horsey

Sit in a chair or on the couch with your legs crossed. Lay your baby belly-down on your dangling leg. Hold them for stability and gently move your leg up and down. They’ll love the bouncing sensation! As they get stronger, you can let them sit on your foot instead.

69. Dance

If your baby can stand with a bit of support and is steady on their feet, go ahead and sway their arms or body to the rhythm of some music. If they’re not quite ready to stand, that’s perfectly okay! Hold your baby while you dance around the room. Let them feel the gentle twirls and quick movements.

70. Playground 

4 month old baby on swing at the playground
On The Swing At The Playground

Surprisingly, even a 4-month-old can have fun at a playground. If they can support their neck, they can sit in a baby swing with you supporting them.

Note: Don’t push them until they have good sitting skills and neck control.

You can also hold them and “go down a slide” by gently sliding them partway down (while holding them the entire time).

71. Little Tikes Climber and Swing

This adorable swing set can grow with your little one from passive swinging, to active pulling up and climbing!

Pro Tip: These plastic sets are so easy to set up and take down, they can live inside during colder months for year-round play.

Daily Baby Activity Apps

There are several apps available for Android and IOS that allow you to plan, track, and teach your baby new skills to help with their development.

72. Baby Sparks

This app features a customizable daily plan for your baby with suggested activities and exercises (with the help of video demonstrations). They also offer online courses and a parenting app. Check out babysparks.com to download the app or browse classes.

73. Kinedu: Baby Development Plan

Plan, track, and get answers to all of your baby’s developmental needs. There are over 1800+ developmental activities with videos to go along with your customizable daily plan. This app is available on both Android and IOS.

Safety and Best Practices

Now, let’s chat about safety and making sure our little ones are protected while they explore and learn.

Safe Toys and Activities for a 4-Month-Old

It’s crucial to choose toys and activities that are both safe and suitable for your 4-month-old. Every baby grows at their own pace, so even if a toy or activity is meant for their age group, make sure your baby has the necessary skills to use it safely. This might involve sitting with support or having good head control. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding the skills required to safely use the toy.

You should also make sure that the toys do not pose a strangulation or suffocation hazard. Anything that can fit through a toilet paper tube is a choking hazard. Any cord, string, or rope 6 inches or longer is a strangulation hazard.

Monitoring Screen Time

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), babies under 2 years old should not have any screen time. While I sometimes let my 16-month-old watch for about 15-20 minutes while my older child has a snack, it’s best to limit screen exposure as much as possible.

Remember, the aim is to strike a balance between engaging activities and screen time, ensuring your baby’s healthy development.

Monitoring Time in Containers

Containers like swings, strollers, car seats, and high chairs are handy, but it’s essential not to rely on them too heavily. While they offer breaks and keep your baby safe, they shouldn’t dominate your baby’s day.

Make sure your baby spends plenty of time on the floor, encouraging activities that promote gross motor skills, such as tummy time, rolling, and pushing up onto hands.

Always Supervise Baby During Playtime

It’s a given that you always have to supervise your baby, whether they’re playing or not. However, extra attention is needed during playtime to ensure their environment remains safe. Keep an eye out for any toys or objects that could be hazardous and ensure that toys are safe for play.

Baby Gates and Play Pens

For those with open-concept homes, older children, or particularly curious babies, baby gates or playpens can provide a safe area for exploration. In my experience, these were helpful. For my first child, we used a wide baby gate to separate our living room from the kitchen. With my second child, we used a separate playpen to keep small parts away from him while he explored.

Toddleroo Play Pen

This playpen is awesome because it can also mount to the wall with brackets (sold separately).

Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate

We used this adjustable baby gate to separate our open-concept living room. It can be wall-mounted or set up as a playpen. The gate has a door for easy access, and the panels can be removed or added to adjust the length.

Final Thoughts

In the journey of parenting, especially during those wonderful 4 months, it’s amazing to see our little ones transform from sleepy newborns to curious explorers.

I’ve been through the same exciting phase with my babies, now 18 months and 3 years old, and I vividly remember the transition.

As our babies become more awake and engaged, they’re seeking more interaction and playtime. I hope you find this list of activities tailored for your 4-month-old helpful! From encouraging smiles and giggles to nurturing language skills, cognitive growth, and those adorable little motor skills, these suggestions offer a roadmap for creating memorable moments while supporting their development.

Every baby is unique, so let’s embrace these activities in a way that feels right for our little ones, celebrating their milestones at their own pace.

Jacqui headshot



I am the founder of Mommy Maker Teacher and a mom of two toddlers. With a degree in education, 12+ years of experience as a K-12 teacher and curriculum developer, and courses in childhood psychology and language acquisition, I share research-backed parenting tips and advice. I provide helpful content for moms on all stages of motherhood—from trying to conceive and pregnancy to postpartum, breastfeeding, and parenting.