The A-Z of TTC: What These Pregnancy Acronyms Mean

TTC means “trying to conceive” or “trying to get pregnant.” It’s an acronym that started in popular forums and online message boards like Baby Center, The Bump, and Peanut.  

If you’ve ever joined an online TTC community, you might have seen a bunch of acronyms and wondered what they mean. As someone who’s been an active member of Baby Center for five years, I’ve created a list of common acronyms and abbreviations that I’ve come across.

No matter where you are in your TTC journey, online support groups are a great place to interact with people going through the same experiences as you. I joined the TTC group at Baby Center and found it comforting to read other people’s experiences and questions. I also joined the birth groups for both of my children, which consisted of all the moms who were due in the same month as me.

Trigger Warning: These acronyms refer to pregnancy topics, which might be upsetting to some.

Confused woman with TTC acronyms all around her

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AB: Angel Baby: Babies who were miscarried or stillborn.

AF: Aunt Flo: AKA Your period.

AI: Artificial Insemination: The same as intrauterine insemination (see IUI).

AMA: Advanced Maternal Age: Refers to pregnant women 35 and over.

BFP: Big Fat Positive: When you get a positive result on a pregnancy test.

BFN: Big Fat Negative: When you see a negative result on a pregnancy test.

BIL: Brother-in-law.

BMS: Baby-Making Sex: Having unprotected sex with the intent of getting pregnant.

BM: Bowel Movement. OR BM: Breast Milk.

BC: Birth Control.

BCP: Birth Control Pills: Hormonal birth control.

BD: Baby Dance: AKA unprotected sex.

BLW: Baby-Led Weaning: Starting babies on solid finger foods instead of purees and cereals.

BT: Blood Test.

BTDT: Been There Done That: Veteran moms use this to refer to something they have also experienced.

BT: Blood Test.

CN: Cycle Number: The number of menstrual cycles you’ve been TTC.

CM: Cervical Mucus: Vaginal discharge that changes depending on which phase of your menstrual cycle you are in.

CNM: Certified Nurse Midwife: A healthcare professional who treats pregnant women and helps with labor and delivery.

CP: Chemical Pregnancy: An early miscarriage that happens in the first five weeks. OR CP: Cervical Position: Refers to the height of your cervix, which changes depending on the stage of your menstrual cycle.

CS: Cesarean Section: AKA C-Section.

CVS: Chorionic Villus Sampling: Genetic test in 10-13 weeks screens placental tissue for abnormalities by a doctor.

DGF: Dear Girlfriend: When referring to your girlfriend.

DH: Dear Husband: Use this acronym when referring to your husband.

DD: Dear Daughter: Use this acronym when referring to your daughter. OR DD: Due Date: The day you are predicted to give birth.

DC: Daycare. OR DC: Dear child.

DB: Dear Boyfriend: When referring to your boyfriend.

DPO: Days Past Ovulation: Number of days since you ovulated.

DTD: Do the Deed: Sexual intercourse (not necessarily trying for a baby).

DW: Dear Wife: When referring to your wife.

EBF: Exclusive Breastfeeding: Only breastfeeding (some still consider pumped milk EBF). OR EBF: Extended Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding past the recommended two years of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

EBM: Expressed Breast Milk: Breast milk taken from the breast through pumping or manual extraction.

EDD: Estimated Due Date: Sometimes used interchangeably with “Due Date.” Some doctors will also give you an EDD based on your last menstrual cycle and then confirm your DD at your first ultrasound.

EP: Exclusive Pumping: Feeding your child exclusively pumped milk. OR EP: Ectopic Pregnancy: A medical emergency when an embryo implants outside of the uterus.

ETA: Edited to Add.

EWCM: Egg White Cervical Mucus: Vaginal discharge that resembles egg whites (clear, stretchy, and sticky). This cervical mucus indicates it’s the best time to do the deed. EWCM is designed to help sperm easily get to a woman’s uterus.

FC: Fertility Clinic.

FF: Fertility Friend: A popular website and app (I’m a huge fan and user) to track and chart your cycle to predict and confirm ovulation.

FMU: First Morning Urine: When you take a pregnancy test you’re advised to do so with your FMU, which is the most concentrated and most likely to detect HCG.

FS: Fertility Specialist: Doctor or medical professional specializing in trying to conceive.

FW: Fertile Window: Refers to the day of ovulation and the five days after it.

GA: Gestational Age: How far along you are in your pregnancy.

GOAT: You say this if you’ve read the previous responses before commenting.

HB: Home Birth.

HL: Hormone Levels.

HIPPO: You say this if you comment without reading the previous replies.

HPT: Home Pregnancy Test.

L&D: Labor and Delivery: Referring to the unit in the hospital. If someone tells you to go to L&D, you to go to the hospital.

LH: Luteinizing Hormone: The hormone that your body releases when you’re about to ovulate. The hormone reaches its peak 36 hours before you release an egg. This is called the LH surge.

LMC: Late Miscarriage: Typically in the second trimester or later.

LP: Luteal Phase: The second half of your menstrual cycle. It starts after you ovulate. Your body prepares for pregnancy by thickening the uterine lining. You will shed this during menstruation if you aren’t pregnant.

LSC: Low Sperm Count: A condition where men have lower sperm count than average, causing potential fertility issues.

MC: Menstrual Cycle. OR MC: Miscarriage.

MMC: Missed Miscarriage: When the baby no longer has a heartbeat, but you haven’t started cramping or bleeding.

MS: Morning Sickness ?.

NTNP: Not Trying, Not Preventing: When consenting, partners are not timing intercourse to get pregnant but aren’t using any birth control for prevention.

OB: Obstetrician: A doctor specializing in caring for pregnant women and delivering babies.

OP: Original Poster: The person who made the first post in the online forum.

OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kit: An at-home urine test that tells you you will ovulate within the next 36 hours.

OT: Ovulation Tests: Also called Ovulation Prediction Kits (see OPK).

PID: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: An infection of a woman’s reproductive organs.

POAS: Pee On a Stick: Taking an at-home pregnancy or ovulation prediction test.

PNV: Prenatal Vitamin.

PPA: Postpartum Anxiety.

PPD: Postpartum Depression.

RB: Rainbow Baby: The baby that you have after a miscarriage.

RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist: Doctors specializing in diagnosing and treating infertility.

SB: Stillborn or Stillbirth.

SI: Secondary Infertility: Infertility arising after a previous baby.

SM: Surrogate Mother.

SO: Significant Other.

TIA: Thanks in Advance.

TMI: Too Much Information.

TTC: Trying to Conceive: Trying to get pregnant.

TWW: Two-Week Wait: The dreaded waiting period between ovulation and being able to take a pregnancy test. You might be able to take an early pregnancy test sooner if you have a more sensitive test or go to the doctor.

TW: Trigger Warning: Write TW before any post that contains upsetting or graphic information.

U/S: Ultrasound.

VBAC: Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section: Having a vaginal delivery after previously having a C-section.

The A-Z of TTC Pregnancy acronyms explained
The A-Z of TTC: Pregnancy Acronyms Explained
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I am the founder of Mommy Maker Teacher and a mom of two toddlers. With a degree in education, 12+ years of experience as a K-12 teacher and curriculum developer, and courses in childhood psychology and language acquisition, I share research-backed parenting tips and advice. I provide helpful content for moms on all stages of motherhood—from trying to conceive and pregnancy to postpartum, breastfeeding, and parenting.